South Shore Business Improvement District

South Shore Business Improvement District


South Shore Business Improvement District

885 Annadale Road, Suite 1
Staten Island, NY 10312 | View on Google Maps
Anthony Rapacciuolo Anthony Rapacciuolo
(718) 504-0041
Connect With Us

The South Shore BID is a recognized 501c3 non-profit organization created to enhance the economic vitality within the towns it serves.  Utlimately, its goal is to make the towns of Annadale, Eltingville, and Great Kills better to work, shop and live in.


  • There Are 73 BIDS In New York. The Most of Any CIty
  • There Are 4 BIDS On Staten Island
  • Within 5 Years of BID Creation Commercial Property Square Footage Has Been Shown to Increase by as Much as 33%
  • 24% Of All Commercial Property in NYC Resides Within a BID


Providing Services To Make Our Towns Cleaner, Safer and More Beautiful to Work, Live & Shop!


The South Shore BID has placed 20 new trash cans across The District to keep our towns cleaner.  In addition, it has enlisted private sanitation which services the towns three times a week.


In an effort to keep business owners, residents and customers safe, The South Shore BID recently installed security cameras in the town of Great Kills.  It will roll out additional cameras in the towns of Annadale and Eltingville over the next several months.

Our towns are beautiful, and The BID is working to ensure they stay that way.  Welcome banners, events, and beautification projects are just a few ways the BID is working to make our District more appealing to businesses and patrons alike.

Products and Services
We currently serve over 300 businesses located in the towns of Annadale, Eltingville and Great Kills.
Member Since: 2020