CP Unlimited

CP Unlimited


CP Unlimited

40 Rector Street
New York, NY 10006 | View on Google Maps
Jeremy Willinger Jeremy Willinger
(212) 947-5770
Connect With Us

Constructive Partnerships Unlimited (formerly Cerebral Palsy Associations of New York State) specializes in a wide range of individualized programs and support for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

We provide Residential, Health Care, Day Habilitation and other services in the five Boroughs of New York City and Hudson Valley region to persons with intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities. We also recognize that support and consideration of families is an essential component of our mission.

We see unlimited potential in every person and creatively navigate pathways to success. We believe that nothing should limit a person's potential to become their best selves.

Products and Services
Residential, Health Care, Day Habilitation, Article 16, and other services in the five Boroughs of New York City and Hudson Valley region to persons with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities
Member Since: 2022